
中国のSendpoints Booksから出版された「TYPOGRAPHY NOW」にSTUDIO WONDERで制作した大衆肉酒場がつりのデザインを掲載していただきました。
以下Sendpoints Booksサイト引用
Following up on Layout Now and Color Now, SendPoints continues to craft practical guidebooks for readers in the design cosmos. This time, it is about type, which we read and use every day. Typography Now guides readers through everything they need to know to understand, create, and use Latin, Chinese, and Japanese typefaces in an increasingly interrelated world. The fundamentals, including typographic terms, character structures, style classifications, size, weight, text families, and more will provide readers with prerequisite knowledge to understand and identify different types. Typography Now introduces readers to esteemed type foundries and their design processes and techniques to demonstrate how type is created. The coverage of layout rules will help readers grasp how to effectively design with text on the page as well as combine text with mixed scripts (Chinese, Japanese, and Roman).
In addition you will find some of the best examples of typographic choices, as well as talks with experts at type foundries about the present and future of type, and demonstrations of some of the hottest new typefaces.
書体の造形に対する解説や組み方の解説、カスタムについても書かれているようです。文字のデザインはとても好きなのでこういった雑誌に掲載していただけるのはとても嬉しいです。でも大衆酒場のデザインで掲載されているのがなんとも不思議な感じもします。札幌の寺島さんや今年JAGDA新人賞を受賞され話題の加瀬 透さんも掲載されています。畑ユリエさんや鈴木哲生さんの個性的な表現もとても素敵です。文字が好きな方は書店やAmazonからぜひご購入ください。